The person who suggested me this app told me this game is like Tetris. Having played Tetris through all my childhood, I don’t like other games which try to replicate it! Naturally, I thought this game would suck and had all plans to pinpoint the flaws in the game and how it could never be good.
But when I first started the game, there was no loading screen, no ads, nothing! A photo of a classroom blackboard appeared which had the “Play”, “Achievements” and many more button giving an impression that they were made by chalk.
On pressing “Play”, I was shown a screen which I assumed would be a way of telling the lesson numbers. The 1st one was named Welcome at Recombuster Labs. On clicking it, a small notepad looking dialog box opened up and gave me instructions for the game. The graphics present were very cute and creative. The whole concept of game was well thought of and the only things resembling Tetris were showing the next color which will fall and to abolish current colors, there should be 3 in a row.
But the most interesting point of game was the way to move the different colors (called molecules in the game) around on the board. At a time, there would be a triangle of neighboring molecules which would rotate clockwise to shift molecules and change their location. Simple enough!
But thats not all! Whenever you rotated the molecules unsuccessfully, the chain of successfully thrown out molecules would break and you have to start all over. And by start all over, I mean your score suddenly becomes zero. This feature added huge amount of challenge. If this is also not challenging enough, as levels progressed, the resources given were limited. And by resources, I mean the molecules falling from sky. So, for example, you have to make a chain of 50 molecules and you’ll only get 60 more molecules. This added a whole new kind of difficulty and I was thus unable to go beyond third level.

Numbers on left side show the resources left and right side shows the length of chain

Many games use high amount of resources thus affecting your battery and draining it out in no time at all. I started the game with 100% Battery on a 2 month old Samsung Galaxy S and after 30 minutes of play, my battery left was 93%. So I guess the game uses very low amount of battery. After around with the app for a bit more, I found that the developer gave options to disable animations and lower frame rate so as to get a better battery performance. But I highly recommend that you keep these options on as the animations are awesome. Yes, they are awesome! They provide a whole new playing experience and very soothing to the eye.

After fooling around even more in the app, I found out that the game is actually based in a test tube (I was not able to figure out why do the molecules keep falling down, after learning that its a test tube, I thought that this might be due to gravity).

Notice the three white balls exiting the test tube from top towards right to make a chain

Thus, the app gives a picture of chemistry lab, and if you ask me, it has all the ingredients to make chemistry interesting!

Overall, the app is very well thought off and gets addictive if you get the hang of it. The concept, cute graphics and animations makes the app worthwhile to have a look at. This app could be played by people from any age group, my sister, who is 12, loved the app and my father didn’t let me have my phone for 20 minutes before he downloaded it himself. The app has all the potential to get to at least 100,000 downloads and I see no reason why it should not have those downloads.

The app asks only for one permission, Full Internet Access. At first, I thought this will be for showing ads or connection with some server for high scores, but there were no ads or anything as such. The app never even made an attempt to use Internet. So this was weird. But then I saw that the developer plans to use it for online high-scores and ranking system. Besides this, there were no permissions it asked for.

Go try Recombustor Lite yourself and let us know your comments as well.

If you want any app to get reviewed, please drop us a quick mail. We’d be happy to have a look at it and if we believe that the app is awesome, we’ll review it!