The site to review small apps present on Android Market which score high on quality but low on downloads.

Since the removal of “Just In” section from Android Market, developers which work part time or independently have no way to get exposure to world and thus high quality apps are left with virtually no downloads. All the hard work goes down the drain.

This here is an initiative taken by a person who has felt the same and wants to do something about it.

If you are a developer, mail us stuff regarding your app to If we find it interesting, we review it. In return, all we want is you suggest this blog to some one or share it on facebook. If we are able to get even 500 downloads for your app, that will be the reward we want.

Let us show the huge corporates that having money for marketing isn’t everything! Its the quality, the usability of app which matter most.


As I’ve had a lot of mail from people asking me what do I mean by tiny or small, so by small or tiny, I mean the apps which are low budget and preferably from new companies or independent guys who make apps as a hobby  or don’t have enough money for advertising campaign. These are the people who work part time as a developer just to make use of time. College/School students will be given priority!